Sex is one of the cornerstones of our health and relationship stability, we satisfied ourselves that both external and internal perspective. At the same time, unfortunately, it is often difficult, because there may be no those people who would be satisfied with every aspect of your own body. This is a – both genders – typical characteristic that accompanies us in our lives. At erotikus munka the girls have no problems like that.
The explanation for this is already searchable in childhood, where he received a mockery of our dedicated at vulnerable or is that already then begins to most traditional gender roles in the upbringing where the man must be strong and brave, she is beautiful and obedient. The sudden physical changes of adolescence – growth, weight gain, full development of sexual characteristics – essentially more difficult to bear the adolescents, but contemporaries positive or negative exposure is also determined at this stage. First love, first disappointment can always leave a deeper mark on our self-image.
All of these life-stage characteristics may affect body image formation, which determines self-confidence and thus plays a role in almost every aspect of our lives, especially the couple relationships. Those who self-assessment in terms of inferiority struggling often do not dare to open up to the other party more difficult to establish or keep a relationship, as it plays a crucial role by contacting the couple outside our acceptance of ourselves as well. The sexual life is more difficult to fulfill if we are not satisfied with oneself, difficult to open, difficult to let go of ourselves.